Care Needs

Palliative Care

Extended family


During the final stages of a senior’s life palliative care is needed before and during hospice care to bring mental, physical, and spiritual comfort. We come alongside the hospice care provider to fill in the gaps and be there around the clock.


Palliative Care is an integrated life quality improvement program that includes physical, mental, and spiritual assistance. Palliative Care sometimes transitions to Hospice Care if ongoing treatment is proven unsuccessful. Hospice is a bedside service for care recipients nearing end-of-life. They assist with a delicate process that should not be experienced alone.


Your loved one has been diagnosed with an advanced serious illness that shortens life expectancy, or a terminal illness diagnosis with an unsure timeline. Either way, specifics are unknown and often very short term, potentially lasting for days, or even up to 6 months.


My mother’s caregiver has been a godsend to our family, going above and beyond to help with all aspects of her cancer. She’s been so warm & personable, helping with necessary aspects of hygiene, medicine dispensing, and friendly companionship, doing all with a great attitude and a positive personality! I don’t know what we’d do without her, and are very, very thankful for this service.


Here are a few examples of the types of help that are involved in palliative care.

Food & Drink

We’ll be there to give them some food, a drink of water, or just put some ice chips in their mouth.

Temperature Control

We’ll watch their temparture and keep the room cool enough or warm enough, or bring them a blanket.

Music & Reading

We’ll read them a story or scripture verse and put on some soothing music.

Incontinence Service

When going to the toilet is too difficult, we’ll take care of it and keep them clean and comfortable.

Bedside Comfort

We’ll be there day and night to offer a hand to hold and comforting word.

Help Hospice

When the hospice nurse comes by, we’ll fill them in on the latest developments and needs.